Finding volunteers

Our Volunteer Team helps local organisations be the best they can be through giving best practice guidance on volunteer recruitment and management, supervision, training, engagement and retention.

You can contact our Volunteer Team at BAVO who can provide you with the information they require to make informed choices in volunteering. Registration for organisations is free of charge. can help organisations looking to recruit

Third Sector Support Wales’ digital volunteering platform is FREE  for volunteers to look for opportunities and for organisations looking to recruit.

For organisations working with volunteers, this system will help you to recruit and manage volunteers, log volunteer hours, plan rotas and events, record training and experience and produce reports.

Register at

You will need to register your organisation (you will need a volunteer policy & volunteer insurance to do so), once approved, you can add your volunteer opportunities.

If you need help with your volunteering policy, please contact

Safety and compliance for volunteering

As we are all aware, volunteers help serve their local communities and provide a crucial part of community action.

Are you aware of your liability as a committee member/trustee to protect your volunteers, staff and beneficiaries?

Are you complying with the law regarding protecting data and contact details of beneficiaries (especially those who may be vulnerable) and volunteers?

Are you protecting your volunteers, beneficiaries and staff , do you have a safeguarding lead person, policy and procedure?

Does your current insurance cover your current work?

Should your volunteers have DBS checks?

If you need any further guidance, please contact our Development Officer team, or refer to the following links:

Changes to rules for DBS checks
Disclosure application process for volunteers
Data Protection and GDPR
Risk assessments
Wales Safeguarding Procedures
Safeguarding Social Media

Investing in Volunteers (IiV) – A new free tool to help ensure that volunteers have the best possible experience

IiV Essentials is a free online tool designed especially for volunteer-involving groups and organisations. It was developed nationally and is supported by NCVO, Volunteer Now, Volunteer Scotland and WCVA.

WCVA (alongside NCVO, Volunteer Scotland and Volunteer Now) have launched a new free tool to help you improve the volunteer experience at your organisation, ensuring that volunteers are involved in delivering your mission in the best way possible.

Focussing on six core areas, you’ll be guided through a series of questions that will help you define how you support and engage your volunteers, how they contribute to your mission and how they enhance your services for the people who use them.

You can find out more about IiV essentials here.

If you are looking for volunteers for your organisation…take a look at our volunteer information sheets

Here you can find all the information you’ll need to get started in volunteering. We cover a wide variety of topics relevant to working with volunteers, from developing your volunteer strategy, writing a volunteer policy, to information on recruitment, expenses, safety, legal matters and how to attract and involve different target groups effectively.

Our volunteering information sheets can be here

WCVA charter for volunteering and workplace relationships

Harmonious relations between paid workers and volunteers are essential to the smooth and safe delivery of public services, with each understanding and complementing the other’s role. Read the full charter here.

Contact us

For further details contact BAVO, T: 01656 810400 or E:

  • Third Sector Support Wales
  • Welsh Government
  • Investing in Volunteers
  • Quality in Befriending
  • Cyber essentials
  • Cynnig Cymraeg
  • Cultural Competence Silver Award